Friday 16 January 2015

Baby Brain Weekly Memoir: 16th January 2015

Evening All!!
Hope you're all well!
This week has been such a crazy busy week and if I hadn't jotted things down I probably would have forgotten what we've been up to!

We've been mainly preparing for Arjun's first Lohri party (a separate post to follow on what this is and what we did!) which is taking place tomorrow. I'm so excited to host our first party since he's arrived! Organising parties and get togethers is my forte and I've really missed doing it. I didn't quite realise how challenging it would be with a baby! But I think we'll be ok nevertheless! (I hope so anyway!!). 

I'm currently sitting on the sofa with my feet up eating a cinnamon roll (I swear I've already burnt it off with the amount of running around I've done today!) whilst Arjun snoozes.
mmm :)
I thought I'd use the opportunity to catch up with my weekly memoir post :)  It may be a little quick and unstructured - do forgive me! With lots to still do, and with the threat of Arjun's nap ending any time soon, time is not on my side right now!

So this week Arjun had two play dates with slightly older babies; Peyaam (who is 3) and Bachittar (who is 1 and a half). I've noticed older kids aren't as interested in smaller babies as babies are in them. Arjun absolutely loves babies and was especially excited when both were over where as the older babies were more interested in the toys lol. He had fun on both play dates and as usual loves being made a fuss over by his aunts and uncles!
We got a bit messy this week - we made a lohri decoration using Arjun's feet and I managed to get a handprint too. I really struggle with hand prints as he likes to scrunch his hands up and it comes out more like a splutter than a hand!  My sister lectured me on not always trying to create "perfect" hand/foot prints but letting Arjun explore in whatever way he wants to (the joys of having a nursery nurse as a sister!). We had lots of fun though (as always!). Arjun seemed a lot more aware and interested in all the colours - he found it funny getting the paint from his hands on his feet and vice versa! The bath after messy play was interesting!

Sleeves rolled up and he's ready to get messy!

Pitter patter :)

We went swimming on Sunday with Water Babies and it was the first time Arjun didn't cry when being taken under water! Hurray! I was super proud. I hope it lasts. His dad is brilliant with him in the water - id panic!!
Blurry picture but I love this shot of my little hunk! :)
After swimming we had a really lazy day after a very long time. We stayed in bed and watched TV pretty much all day! It's weird that those kinda days make me feel a lot more tired! I definitely think there is such as a thing as having too much sleep! But heyho I figured I'd need to rest before the busy week ahead.
Arjun went to visit both sets of grandparents during the week. He was really ratty and quite a handful at Preetam's parents; even Junior didn't cheer him up! I've noticed that when he's over tired and he's passed a certain point, then it's a really long and tiresome battle trying to settle him! Does any one else have this problem? How do you deal with it?
On his visit to my parents, he wore this super cute Mickey Mouse tracksuit from Primarni ;) (Primark). It's perfect for play dates and just lounging. Arjun is super comfortable and the quality is surprisingly good! Spending ridiculous amounts on clothes for Arjun is pointless as he's growing so fast and I love buys like these! :)
My model baby!
This week he had one pretty bad night where he woke four times - the first time he woke up screaming. It was terrifying, I thought someone had broken in to the house! I haven't heard him scream like that before - it was a really terrified scream. I'm assuming he had a nightmare :( I can't wait until he can talk and tell me what's wrong in situations like that especially. It's distressing as a parent to hear your child like that and feel pretty helpless! After that, I ended up taking him to bed with Preetam and I - we don't often co sleep but I can generally sense when Arjun needs the comfort of his mummy and daddy and that was definitely one of those times!
Arjun also accompanied me on some of my Lohri party prepping missions this week such as visiting a party warehouse to buy some decoration - he loved all the colours! 

Arjun accompanying mummy - not sure about the Iceland trolley!
Today Arjun visited High Wycombe with his daddy for a job whilst I cracked on with preps for tomorrow. When he got home, he accompanied me in the marquee in his little mini car. He is adorable :) 
All in all we've had a pretty tiring week rushing around but I'm looking forward to updating you all on how tomorrow goes! 

We have another super busy week lined up next week!

How was your week?x

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